FCS ‘give outstanding support’ to storage firm

Written by: Simon Pavey, Last updated:13th February 2023

Storage specialist Lock Stock Self Storage have been in touch to highlight the excellent relationship they have with Fuel Card Services.

With locations across Cheshire and north Wales, the company operates a fleet of 15 vans and has a monthly fuel spend of around £3,000. Lock Stock makes use of the Shell fuelcard to draw both petrol and diesel fuels.

Highlighting the fantastic relationship that has been built between our firms, Rhiann Powell, manager at Lock Stock Self Storage, said: “We have been with Fuel Card Services for a number of years.

“Most recently we have reviewed our fuel expenditure and the organisation of our fuel cards and Leanne Lord, our account manager, has been particularly helpful. She is professional and efficient and responds almost immediately to any query that we have.

“We recently added to the cards that we use and this has reduced our overall fuel spend.”

Ms Powell added that Lock Stock is “really pleased” with the service they have, and continue, to receive. Having Leanne available to field any queries and to provide her support when needed has been a great boost for the business, as “she clearly knows her stuff”.

We help around 55,000 customer organisations pump around two million litres of petrol and diesel every day. We have long-standing relationships with every major oil supplier, meaning there’s bound to be a fuel card perfect for your operation.

Keep track of your fuel costs with our Price Checker, and see how much your business can save with Fuelcard Services!

Find out what we can do for your company at fuelcardservices.com.
