20/20 vision is key to safe driving

Written by: Marion Hanson, Last updated:10th September 2024

20/20 vision is key to safe driving

Ensuring your vision is up to scratch is one of the most important aspects of being a safe driver.

When out on the roads, it’s imperative you are able to see everything that is going on around your vehicle, so regular eye checks are a must.


Regular eye checks are crucial for safe driving

With that in mind, road safety and vehicle recovery specialist GEM Motoring Assist believes the start of 2020 could be the perfect opportunity for all fleet operators to make sure their drivers have 20/20 vision.

GEM road safety officer Neil Worth commented: “What better time than the year 2020 to get your vision checked properly and ensure the risks you face as a driver are as low as possible?”

Indeed, he noted that poor eyesight is linked to more than 3,000 fatal and serious collisions on the UK’s roads every year.

As a result, scheduling regular eye tests for staff should be a key part of safe driving policies for every business.

Mr Worth concluded: “We are encouraging drivers to ensure their eyesight goes beyond 20/20. After all, 20/20 is only an expression of normal visual acuity, but the requirements for safe driving go beyond clarity of central vision.”

Ellie Baker, brand manager at Fuel Card Services, comments: “Your eyesight is potentially the most essential tool at your disposal to be able to avoid serious accidents when driving. If you ever feel there has been any change in your vision then it’s important to have your eyesight tested.”
