10 injuries a week ’caused by tailgating’

Written by: Fuel Card Services, Last updated:11th August 2020


As many as ten injuries are caused every week across the UK by van drivers tailgating other vehicles, new figures have shown.

This is according to research by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles based on data compiled by the Department for Transport (DfT).

Dangers of driving too close revealed

Overall, the DfT data revealed 4,256 accidents are classified as ‘drivers following too closely’ each year, resulting in 6,184 injuries and 19 fatalities.

Eight per cent of cases involved a light commercial vehicle, meaning van drivers are causing ten injuries from tailgating every week.

Businesses are therefore encouraged to ensure their drivers are up to speed in terms of driver training and are fully aware of the consequences of this bad motoring behaviour.

Individuals found guilty of tailgating other drivers face a fine of £100 and three penalty points on their licence.

Responding to the findings, Neil Greig, director of policy and research at IAM RoadSmart, said: “Tailgating is the biggest single bugbear that motorway users in particular report. Surveys suggest almost half of drivers feel scared and get angry about it.

“Keeping your distance means you can observe what is happening around and ahead of you much better and gives you time to react to the unexpected.”

Ellie Baker, brand manager at Fuel Card Services, comments: “Road users must ensure they are maintaining a suitable distance to other vehicles ahead. It’s important for all motorists to give each other space – that means always leaving a gap.”
