Should a ‘death by dangerous cycling’ law be introduced?

Written by: Abaranji Sivakumar, Last updated:14th February 2022

Credit: Tashi-Delek/iStock

A new offence equivalent to causing death by careless or dangerous driving could be introduced for reckless cyclists, depending on views collected during a new 12-week consultation.

The consultation suggests various ideas designed to deliver higher standards for cycling and walking infrastructure across the UK, the government says.

Parts of the Highway Code could also be updated, including measures to counter the dangerous practice of ‘close passing’, which puts many people off the idea of cycling.

Other recently announced measures would provide better training for driving instructors, improved collision investigation and an investment of £100 million through the Safer Roads Fund.

In 2016, there were 1,792 road deaths in the UK. Three of them were caused by cyclists.

‘Further steps’

Cycling and walking minister Jesse Norman said: “In recent weeks, we have announced a range of measures designed to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. Now we are taking further steps.

“These include a consultation on new cycling offences, further work on national guidance on cycling and walking infrastructure, and improvements to the Highway Code.”

Additionally, the Cycle Proofing Working Group has been commissioned by the government to develop national guidance and best practice for cycling and walking infrastructure.

Finally, the government has also announced today that £1 million will be provided to support the pathfinder demonstration projects for repairing and upgrading sections of the National Cycle Network (NCN).

Jez Strong, general manager for Tele-Gence, commented: “It is great that the government is acting to make cycling safer and therefore more appealing.

“While business fleets are rarely able to incorporate cycling into their mobility plans, everyone can get behind the prospect of safer roads.”
