GEM reiterates need to avoid speeding during UK lockdown

Written by: Simon Pavey, Last updated:7th September 2021

Road safety and breakdown specialist GEM Motoring Assist has called on all road users to remember the importance of keeping to the speed limit, even when roads are less busy during the current lockdown.

The last three weeks have seen a significant reduction in traffic on our roads, but as a result there have been numerous cases of individuals breaking the law and driving at excessive speed.

Speed limits don’t change despite the lockdown

GEM road safety officer Neil Worth commented: “Police chiefs across the country have been sharing examples of shocking behaviour by drivers who appear to be using the quieter roads as an opportunity to flout the speed limits.”

Indeed, cases included a driver arrested on the M1 in Leicestershire after being recorded travelling at up to 151 mph, as well as a motorist travelling at 105 mph on a 60 mph stretch of the A13 east of London.

This latter driver said he didn’t realise he was going so fast “as the road was quiet”.

Such irresponsible behaviour not only puts the lives of drivers at risk, it potentially has a greater impact on already-stretched NHS resources.

Speeding increases the risk of a collision, which could lead to a serious injury or even a fatality,” Mr Worth concluded. “In today’s climate that puts unnecessary pressure on the NHS and could potentially deprive a desperate Covid-19 patient of vital medical care.”

Ellie Baker, brand representative at Fuel Card Services, comments: “Drivers need to remember they should be only carrying out essential travel at this time, while speed limits remain in place for a reason and they haven’t changed just because the nation remains on lockdown.”
